The service hour component of Confirmation Prep is intended to introduce the candidate to ministry within the Christian community and missionary activity in the world.
Every candidate is required to submit 10 service hours of ministry activity and 10 service hours of missionary activity by the first session in May.
Ministry activity is defined as any service within the parish. This includes, but is not limited to:
- liturgical ministries (usher, altar server, lector)
- participation in parish music ministry choirs
- supporting other ministries (e.g. helping with Vacation Bible School, volunteering with the Women's Guild or Knights of Columbus)
- youth ministry internal service events (e.g. fundraiser volunteering, campus care projects)
Missionary activity is defined as any service beyond the parish. This includes, but is not limited to:
- service projects done at school or in your neighborhood
- participating in a Habitat for Humanity building project
- volunteering with Traveling Loaves and Fishes
- youth ministry external service events (e.g. Christmas Caroling for Seniors or 40 Days for Life)
Candidates are welcome to report service activities that are also being used to qualify for awards or group membership at school (e.g. The National Honor Society).